Tree Trust
A Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Connects and Protects Us All
The Tree Trust works with community members to grow and maintain the urban tree canopy throughout Boulder County. Our goal is to connect, educate, and empower our communities by providing resources to grow and care for the density and sustainability of urban trees.
4,000 Trees Planted and Distributed in Boulder County since 2023
Upcoming Events
April 18
City of Louisville Arbor Day Planting
Louisville Arboretum 10am - 1pm
*Email City of Louisville Forester Chris Lichty at ChrisL@louisvilleco.gov to volunteer.
April 19
Marshall Fire Tree Giveaway
550 McCaslin Blvd. 8am-12pm
April 22
CU Basketball Trees for Threes Planting at San Juan del Centro
3100 34th Street 9am-12pm
April 23
Planting with City Forestry and Boulder High School
Arapahoe and Boulder Creek Path 8am-10am
April 24
Planting at Heatherwood Elementary School
7750 Concord Dr. 8am-2pm
April 26
City of Boulder Sapling Giveaway at Boulder Farmers Market
Boulder Central Park, 8am- 2pm
May 6
Avery Brewing Company x City of Boulder Tree Planting
4910 Nautilus Court. 8am-11am
May 10
Boulder Rotary Club x Boulder Valley Rotary Planting at San Juan del Centro
3100 34th Street, 9am-12pm
Week of May 19
City of Louisville Tree Plantings
Details TBD
Week of May 27
City of Lafayette Tree Plantings
Details TBD
May 2
EcoCycle x Cool Boulder Plant Giveaway
City of Boulder Forestry 5200 Pearl Parkway. 9am-12pm
Community Engagement
The Tree Trust spearheads a variety of community engagement opportunities, including Tree Tender Trainings; planting projects with a variety of individuals and groups; education initiatives and climate summits in local schools; natural disaster recovery projects; and so much more.
Feel like connecting with your community and doing good for the planet? Check out our event calendar to get involved today!
Tree, Sapling, and Native Plant Giveaways
The Tree Trust hosts tree and sapling giveaways to ensure that trees are planted and cared for properly all across Boulder County, including on private property. Giveaways are hosted with the intentions to expand and enhance our urban canopy, as well as allowing community members the opportunity to get involved in climate stewardship- in their very own backyards. Giveaways are also hosted to restore private land after natural disasters, such as the Marshall Fire.
Our next giveaway will take place at the Boulder Farmers Market on April 26, 8 AM - 2 PM while supplied last.
Community Forestry Corps
Launched in June 2024, the Community Forestry Corps empowers local youth to care for trees planted by our Tree Trust while acquiring knowledge about the power of nature to combat climate change, giving back to the planet and our communities, and learning about potential career pathways in urban forestry and nature-based climate solutions.
Click the link below to learn more and check-out our live 2025 applications!
Community Partners