Daniel Hanson (he/him)
Community Forest Corps Manager
After high school, Daniel took a gap year and spent three months traveling, volunteering, and exploring Latin America through a gap year program. During this program, Daniel found his passion for the environment after witnessing the wonders of nature - but also its neglection and destruction. This realization led to his commitment to the University of Colorado, Boulder, and his decision to pursue a degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in Geography. After his graduation in the spring of 2022, Daniel served as an AmeriCorps CivicSpark Fellow, placed with the City of Boulder, Nature-based Climate Solutions team and Cool Boulder Campaign. During this service with the City of Boulder, Daniel began to focus more on urban forestry initiatives, particularly initiatives centered in community mobilization and empowerment.
In the spring of 2024, Daniel joined the PLAY Boulder Foundation to lead the newly launched Community Forestry Corps, after helping to design and launch the program with partners from the PLAY Boulder Foundation, the City of Boulder, Boulder County, and Classrooms for Climate Action. Daniel is excited to be a part of a program that offers local youth an opportunity to take part in actions that build community resilience through the planting, growth and care for urban trees. Although much needs to be done to prepare our communities for the escalating impacts of climate change, Daniel is inspired by the dedication of everyday people to learn about and take part in climate action, and is honored to have the opportunity to support the growth and empowerment of future climate ambassadors!